CBD Dog Treats – What Are They?
We all know and love classic milk-bone dog biscuits, but what if we can make our furry loved ones something that is just as good for their health and also tastes great? The reason why we decided to put hemp and organic hemp oil into our hard treats and soft chews is because of the amazing effects that it may have on our dogs. For those who are wondering, hemp dog treats are the same as hemp treats so we use the two terms interchangeably. Our hemp dog treats also contain the same full spectrum hemp oil that is found in our high quality hemp Oil for dogs. Every animal (except insects) in the animal kingdom has an endo system that plays a major role in how our body works, this does not differ much from the way our own dogs body works. They are hard wired in the same fashion which is why cannabis, hemp, and hemp treats benefit your dog’s health just as much as it does for us, if not better.
These full spectrum hemp treats have a varied range of hemp per treat and may help your furry best friend in dozens of ways. As well, they are created in a variety of flavors dogs just love! They’re safe and healthy enough to use as a daily treat, and he’ll enjoy medication time so much it will feel like a special reward. These hemp hard chews are perfect for medium to large-sized dogs. Your dog will love the deliciously crunchy texture that can improve his health while still being appetizing and tasty—who would have thought that was possible?
Our hemp hard treats are a popular choice for a variety of reasons. Whatever the specific reason is that you are looking for hemp products, we can help! Our main ingredient is hemp Oil which may have positive effects on your dogs physical and mental health in so many multi-functional ways. Its main purpose is drive towards homeostasis to keep your dog’s health balanced for a thriving lifestyle. This may sound like a gimmick but the science behind hemp has been shown to be proven true and with the thousands of dog owners swearing by results , it’s hard for anyone to deny the legitimacy behind the compound. We also know through science that dogs cannot be deceived by a placebo.
The endo system is what hemp or Hemp Oil stimulate directly, this system is responsible for many of the main operational functions within the bodies of all mammals. What this system does is manage and regulate all the other systems within the body to work the way that they are supposed to, keeping everything in balance. For this reason we take the oil and put it directly into the dog treat formula. The dog hemp treats also contain a rich blend of anti inflammatory agents like omega fatty acids that come together to promote mobility and joint health. It contains a promotion of soothing and calming that doesn’t sedate or hinder emotions or intellect. It’s been shown to also aid in digestive health and bring balance to the immune system. By activating regulatory receptors within the body of your furry friend, giving your dog our hemp hard treats will awaken an integral system that regulates the most vital for survival like the nervous, immune, and digestive systems.
How do hemp treats for dogs work?
Like we mentioned before, the hemp treats work well for your dog because we put a lot of research and effort into developing the premium formula. We chose the ingredients specifically because they have adaptogenic and health-promoting benefits for our dogs. Since we formulate, manufacture, and sell our own products, we’re able to source only the highest quality ingredients from trusted sources. You can feel at peace knowing that all of our products, especially our hemp hard chews, are 100% safe and effective. Not only do all the ingredients work well on their own, they also work well together. They are bioavailable, so each vitamin, mineral, and ingredient in the treat is 100% ready to be consumed and processed into your dog’s system.
Are Hemp Treats for Dogs Safe?
Although hemp-derived products like our hemp hard chews for dogs have a low negative side effect profile, one notable concern is hemp’s interaction with enzymes in the liver that metabolize pharmaceuticals. In most cases, studies have shown that this interaction is uncommon, but it can occur. By delaying the rate a pharmaceutical is metabolized, you potentially raise its potency and its potential side effects. This could be one of the reasons hemp dog treats are able to lower the use of other pharmaceuticals. There are over 1500 pharmaceuticals, and if your pet is on one, talk to your veterinarian first as there are multiple ways hemp products can be safely taken with them.
All evidence suggests that long-term use of dog hemp treats doesn’t result in any long-term side effects. However, hemp has only been available for pets for a few years, so more time and research is needed to be definitive. It’s worth noting that terpenes work naturally in the body because they act like self-created terpenes — they can increase their own concentrations as well as attach to the same receptors. Except for the psychoactive ingredient, which isn’t as prevalent in hemp, this doesn’t appear to cause any long-term issues — psychoactive chemicals bind stronger to receptors compared to self-created terpenes.
How Many Hemp Treats Should I Give My Dog?
The amount of hemp Dog treats that should be given to your pet depends on multiple factors. The main one that you have to look out for is your dog’s body weight. This is the most important factor because the size is what determines the amount of hemp you can give your dog based on the mg of hemp per pound. In other words, finding their weight helps you determine where the minimum dose will start off at for effectiveness. The next factor that you want to consider when you are calculating the hemp dosage is your dog’s age and/or ailments. Are they going to be taking our best hemp treats as a supplement to another medication? If they are, it is always best to start off with a lower treat amount than the baseline and then adjust your way up a higher mg of hemp dog treat to see how their body reacts to the hemp dosage.
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